Jehovah-Tsidkenu means "The Lord Our Righteousness," a name that fully reveals God as the source of our purity of heart and right standing with Him. This name appears in Jeremiah 23:6 (TLB), which says, “And this is his name: ‘The Lord Our Righteousness.’ In that day Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety.” This shows how God promised to provide a Saviour to bring righteousness to His people.
Jehovah-Tsidkenu helps us realise that our righteousness is not based on our deeds but God's grace through Jesus Christ. We can never earn our way to righteousness; it is given freely when we accept Christ. This truth brings comfort and assurance that His grace covers us.
By embracing Jehovah-Tsidkenu, we find freedom from striving and fear, knowing that God sees us as righteous through His Son. This encourages us to live boldly and faithfully, trusting in His promise.
It takes courage to stand against temptation and sin. Take a stand for Righteousness today.
Lord, let my heart and mind be pure. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action Point
Think about anything which stands between you and God.

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(TLB) Scripture taken from The Living Bible (TLB), copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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