Having Jesus as the captain of your soul means trusting Him to steer you through life's storms. Mark 4:39 (GNT) says, "Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, 'Be quiet!' and he said to the waves, 'Be still!' The wind died down, and there was a great calm."
Navigating life's challenges with Jesus at the helm changes our approach to difficulties. Instead of being overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, we can rely on His strength and promises. Knowing that He is in ultimate control, we find the courage to face whatever comes our way, trusting He will lead us safely through.
Allowing Jesus to be the captain of our souls also means following His teachings and example. Living according to His word aligns ourselves with God's will and purpose. This helps us to navigate not just the storms but also the everyday moments of life with grace and confidence.
When Jesus steers the ship of your life, everything becomes calmer.
Lord, thank You for being the captain of my life. Amen.
Action Point
If there are areas of life you haven’t handed over to God, now is the time.

Copyright notices
(GNT) Scripture taken from the Good News Translation® (Today’s English Version, Second Edition). Copyright © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.
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