In Genesis 39 to 41 we read the story of Josephs imprisonment, and his God given ability to interpret his fellow prisoner’s dreams. The butler returning to Pharoah’s service and the baker’s execution.
For two years the butler forgot about Joseph, until that day with Pharoah, unable to find anyone to interpret his dreams, the butler shared about Joseph to Pharoah. Immediately his words PLACED THE KEY IN THE LOCK, Joseph was released.
Are you holding a key? Have you ever felt, or are you feeling a stirring within your spirit to reach out to someone, to pray, to phone, to email, to visit, to do something?
The butler could have never envisaged the result of his obedience. The probability is, neither will we, for it is only when we respond to the nudging of the Holy Spirit, that the key entrusted to us can be placed within the lock.
There is a key entrusted to us, which unlocks the circumstance someone else is in.
Heavenly Father, even if Your request seems a little strange and I don’t quite understand Your reasoning, please help me to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, that the key You’ve entrusted to me may be placed within that lock. Amen
Action Point
If you get a prompt from God to reach out to someone, don’t delay, your words or actions might be the very thing to lift them out of their despondency.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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