There is such a rich tapestry of advice in the Bible. Here is advice about the people around us every day, referred to in the book of James as the ‘Royal Law’. Imagine advice so important that it has been called ‘Royal’ and ‘Law’.
‘If you really fulfil the Royal Law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you do well’; James 2:8 says.
After reading this we appreciate the challenge of it. To be honest, there may be neighbours that you don’t like, that you’d rather avoid, yet this scripture suggests that we set aside our dislikes and differences and love them just as much as we love ourselves. When was the last time we did a good deed, smiled, or said hello to any of our neighbours? Jesus was the example of this, let’s try and love those difficult people around us, unconditionally, today!
The Royal Law of scripture is to love unconditionally.
Lord, help me to love those who cause me stress or pain, let them see Your love through me, Amen.
Action Point
Harder to do than to read, pick a friend/neighbour and in the sentiment of this scripture repair the relationship with them.

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Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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