Prayer is a conversation between you and God, what an amazing thought that is. It’s sharing your heart with your creator, being honest with Him about the things you are going through, and the worries and stresses of life that you face.
James 4:3 suggests that prayer can on time be selfish, that we may be asking God for something on our heart more than what is on His heart. Bottom line is it’s better to pray than not to pray at all.
When situations and circumstances go crazy, prayer is the one thing you can fall back on, a place of refuge to chat to God and wait on Him for peace, for hope, for guidance and encouragement. The privilege of prayer is that our sure hope, Jesus, makes intercession for us to God. What better prayer partner could we possibly have? Keep praying, He hears and will answer.
He hears every prayer; in Him you will find peace.
Dear Lord, thank you that I can pray, and thank you that you hear my prayer.
Action Point
If you don’t have a prayer buddy, go find one, you both will build faith in prayer, when you pray together.
Copyright notices
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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